Sliding Pucks


Puzzle Details

This puck variation consists of three pucks connected to each other. There is a cut through the middle, which allows to move one half of the puzzle forward one layer. So the layers can be mixed up with each other. The outside layers have numbers printed from 1 to 12 on their surface, which define the sequence of the pieces. The numbers of the pieces of the middle layer have been removed, which means that there is on the one side a clear assignment, which belongs to which layer, but in the middle layer the sequence of the pieces with the same colours is not defined.

On both sides the puzzle is covered with a transparent layer, which saves puzzle pieces from falling out of the puzzle.

Weight: 251g
Size: height 9.6cm, diameter 7.5cm

All Pictures

Sliding Pucks (1)
Picture provided by Frank Tiex
1024x681 pixels / 96131 Bytes
Sliding Pucks (2)
Picture provided by Frank Tiex
1024x681 pixels / 98783 Bytes
Sliding Pucks (3)
Picture provided by Frank Tiex
1024x681 pixels / 90253 Bytes
Sliding Pucks (4)
Picture provided by Frank Tiex
1024x681 pixels / 95019 Bytes